I'm still here, even though I've disappeared for awhile. Right before our annual craft retreat I found out some exciting news, we are expecting. Our newest family member is anticipated to arrive May 26th.
Things have been so different with this pregnancy. I'm just starting to feel semi-normal again. Some may say that it means I'm having a girl, but a big part of me thinks that it has more to do with being older this time around and having two other boys who keep me hopping. Although, I'd be happy to have a girl too, we'll find out in January.
Speaking of the boys, they are super excited. We created a video to share the news with distant family and our friends. Check it out, the boys are so cute, if I do say so myself.
While I have been taking a break, I have to say I've discovered just how much I love what I do and am really missing it. Sometimes we need to pull back from what we are doing to realize just how much it means to us.
Thank you for sticking with me. I'll be back, matter of fact, I've been working on a couple of tutorials that I hope to have up next week.