Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas & Happy New Years

Click on the image to see full sized version

*** Text Reads ***
What a fantastic year this has been! We have seen
our dreams take shape and are happy to share
that we are now living in our new home. Thank you
for your thoughts and prayers throughout our journey.

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's OFFICIAL - Certificate of Occupancy

I can't believe that I actually have such amazing news to share before Christmas - we received our Certificate of Occupancy today. We were dreading our final inspection since all of our other inspections had been "treats." Brian and I have teased eachother for about a month that all we wanted for Christmas was our final inspection to pass and receive our C.o.O. As we grew closer to Christmas we didn't have high hopes...especially when we didn't pass the final electrical inspection the first time around and being hit hard by uncommon snowfall. We asked for prayers that we'd have a laid back inspector and since it was snowing that he'd come out during it. This would help us pass on the erosion control that they might have otherwise desired - often they require seeded/sodded/hayed yards. Since he couldn't even come close to seeing our ground, he didn't say a word. In total he was only here about 5 minutes, asked Brian a couple of questions and asked for a document or two and then SIGNED us off. I was standing in the kitchen and felt overwhelmed with emotions. What a journey this has been and it feels like we hit the finish line (although we know there'll be some work in the spring, such as painting and final landscaping).

I apologize that I haven't been around for awhile. As the Christmas season hit with colds, craft fairs and seriously cold weather, I went into hibernation. Over the next couple of weeks, I hope to get my scraproom in order and get back in the swing of things.

Have a very Merry Christmas!
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