This was a shot I captured today on our journey to check out a "great deal" (will post more on that later when I have pictures). We visited a park where Conner was thrilled to see a miniature train giving rides. Conner had a blast...Blake on the other hand lost it before the train even took off. It was a long day, but so much fun!
Anyhow when I first saw this picture I didn't think too much and then several sayings came to mind. So, I spent some time playing with it and am toying with the idea of creating a wall canvas of it. Every where I go, I have been checking out artwork to grace our walls, looking for pieces that pull me emotionally. There have been things here and there with a little pull, but more and more I am thinking that I need to create my pieces (nothing too lose really - could save quite a bit of money in the end). This piece still has some tweaking: may change the sayings (let me count the ways I love you or something else) and I am pretty sure I'll be changing the font. ;)
Can't wait to pull my piano in and get some key shots - might try to come up with three square shots to hang over it. The creative wheels are turning!