Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer has begun! Sample Studio J for FREE

Summer has begun around here. Well, maybe the weather hasn't shown signs of summer, but Conner is out of school and the count down to Close To My Heart Convention has begun. Blogging time has been limited, but I've carved out a few minutes to remind you to get your free sample of Studio J. Until June 30th you can create a layout and download a free jpg of your layout to print if you'd like, post on Facebook,  email, etc.

I know you have photos waiting to be shared!
Get Your Studio J Sample Today
*create a free account to get started

WARNING: Creating your first Studio layout may create an addiction to creating layouts faster than ever before while still enjoying your traditional (paper, scissors, glue) layouts.

You could have this:

Photos sadly lost in folders on your computer...

Or you could have this:

A complete album of your photos to sit proudly on your coffee table (shelf) to share with family and friends and enjoy for years to come! Studio J is so quick that these layouts were all completed in a single day! Plus, I was able to make additional copies for my in-laws and my parents as gifts.
It doesn't have to be SJ or Traditional, the two worlds blend beautifully together.
I added flowers, ribbons and sparkles to the printed version of this layout. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Fabulous Find - Chocolate Dipped Cupcakes

Oh my, my, who wants to make these for me? They look scrumptiously perfect for a Girls Night Out of scrapbooking / card making / crafting don't they? As we drool over these delights, what is your favorite treat to enjoy while creating?
Recipe & instructions found at www.Bakerella.com

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Name is Christine & I'm addicted to Krylon Spray Paint

Last week I enjoyed a morning out with my neighbor, Amy. We had breakfast and then hit the local Goodwill, where I picked up a few vases and candlesticks. Before heading home I stopped at Home Depot. I had intended on purchasing only one can of spray paint, but oh, the glorious colors lured me in. I left HD with a total of 5 cans (side note: I went back last night for one more can and got carded, I think they thought I was up to no good after purchasing so many in such a short time). 

With a can (or multiple cans) of spray paint, I was able to turn boring old vases and candlesticks into these beauties! I'm in love and have already cleaned out our local Goodwill of their remaining candlesticks and appropriate sized/shaped vases.

They look so much better and are far more functional that the other jars I had my ribbon in.

Cost for these jars = $8.00, plus a small amount of paint and adhesive. Rockin' deal if I do say so myself!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Together we can help those in the Midwest & Southern States

Many Close to my Heart Consultants have asked if there is something we could do to support those affected by recent severe weather in the US, and we’ve also had requests to extend the availability of the You & Me kit offered during the month of May. We’ve combined those two aims into a single campaign called You & Me: Stronger Together, to raise funds for the survivors of the severe storms that have pummeled the Midwest and Southern states.

During the month of June, order a You & Me kit for only $15 (a retail value of $34.95), and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross 2011 Floods and Tornadoes relief operations. Simply use item number CC1012B to place your order for this sensational kit and help those in need at the same time. The You & Me: Stronger Together campaign will continue until June 30 at 11:59 pm (MDT) or while supplies last.

Order your discounted You & Me kit online today and then head on over to Nona's website for this great You & Me mini album binder template.
Offer valid June 2–30, 2011, or while supplies last. No qualifying purchase required. Tax and shipping/handling charges apply. The placement of the donations is prioritized by the American Red Cross, with all money earmarked for disaster relief from the tornadoes and flooding in the midwestern and southeastern United States.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Studio J Free for All & 15 Ideas for a Last-Minute Dad’s Day Gift

Thank you for sticking with me during my break. I've been busy working on some top secret artwork for Extravaganza which is as my dear friend Lisa Stenz says "one of the highlights of the Close To My Heart Convention where we have 7 back-to-back, 20 minute, high energy creative classes."

Get a FREE JPG file of your Studio J layout in June! 

Download and save your file so you can post your layout online, email it to family and friends, or print them. Then head over to Close To My Heart's Facebook page and enter their Studio J - Free for All Contest for a chance to win one of three amazing prizes.

If you have a Studio J or a MyCTMH account, just log in and start creating. If you don't have an account, creating one is easy and free. You can access Studio J through my website.

Discover how quick and simple scrapbooking can be with Studio J—and get your FREE JPG layout in Free-for-All June!

* Offer valid June 1–30, 2011. Limit of one free JPG file per account. If you choose to purchase a custom print of your layout or other layouts you create, standard costs including layout price, shipping/handling, and tax, will apply.

15 Ideas for a (Free!) Last-Minute Father's Day Gift
found on the Close To My Heart Studio J Blog

Father’s Day is held on the third Sunday of each June—in 2011, that’s June 19. Do you have a gift idea in mind? Or are you online on June 18 searching for the perfect Father’s Day present, one that is meaningful, enjoyable, and—ahem—cheap? Never fear, we have the perfect idea for a Father’s Day present: a Studio J® layout featuring memories and messages from the heart.

If you order in advance, you’ll have a beautiful 12" × 12" layout to present to him on his big day. But even if you wait until the very last moment, you’re in luck. With June’s Studio J Free-for-All, you can order a JPG file of your layout, and it won’t cost you a dime. What’s more, since the JPG files are delivered electronically, you’ll receive an email soon after you order your layout letting you know that your JPG files are ready to be downloaded. Since no purchase is required to be eligible for your free JPG file, there is no cost to you. But of course, dear old Dad would probably love to have a custom-printed layout to frame and hang on the wall, right?

To get you started, we’ve gathered up twelve different ideas for the perfect Father’s Day scrapbook layout. These journaling prompts can easily be adapted to a grandfather, husband, son, or other father in your life. Add a few photos—they don’t have to directly pertain to your journaling, as long as they capture some element of your relationship with your fatherly loved one—and you’re ready to go!
  1. Da-da: Earliest Memories of My Father 
  2. Tall Tales: Stories My Dad Tells 
  3. Dear Dad: A Letter from Your Kids 
  4. Papa’s Particulars: Ten Random Things About My Father 
  5. Peas in a Pod: Ways I’m Like My Dad 
  6. Daddy Dearest: Nicknames We Use for Each Other 
  7. If I’ve Said It Once...: Dad’s Favorite Sayings & Advice 
  8. Parenting Lessons from My Father 
  9. Father Superior: Why My Dad’s the Best of the Bunch 
  10. Aw, Dad! Ways My Dad Embarrassed Me 
  11. No Bears Are Out Tonight: Games I Played with My Dad 
  12. Love List: Five Things I Love About My Pops 
  13. All About My Daddy: Through the Five Senses 
  14. Imparting Wisdom: What Papa Taught Me About Life 
  15. Favorite Things: What I Think My Dad Likes Best 
Are you ready to start writing? Enter Studio J to create your layout!
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