Thursday, June 7, 2012

Photography: Not Just Faces - Capture Places

It's pretty safe to say that I've liked photography since I can remember. When I was old enough to start taking my own photos, I always had a stack of film waiting to be developed. Remember how expensive photography used to be! Not only did you have to buy the film, but you also had to pay to have it developed and you really had no clue if any of your photos would even turn out.

Flash forward to the birth of Conner, my photography addiction went through the roof. I simply couldn't take enough photos of him. I wanted to freeze every moment to relive as he grew up way to fast. Thankfully, I was now shooting digital and had the freedom to capture a gazillion photos and not go broke doing so. Digital also allowed me to practice taking better photos.

However, I don't only take photos of my kids. I've been known to stop on the side of the road to capture an amazing dark, moody sky with a happy little rainbow or the bend of the road just before my house. Because these are moments and places I also want to remember because they evoke strong emotions for me.

This photo is a prime example of a place that I love to look upon each time I drive by. It's just down the road from my house. I love where it sits on the hill and the way the sun filters through the rows of trees. Yesterday, we went on a walk as a family and I brought my camera along. On the way home, my hubby pulled the truck over so I could finally capture this image and I'm so happy that we stopped!

Is there a place that you love, a place that makes you feel something each time you come upon it? Have you taken the time to photograph it? Share it with us, use the Linky tool below. *Linking will be open for one week. So if you haven't already taken your photo, use this as your push to get out there and do so!

It's easy to participate. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Make your post easy to find. Link to the post that includes your image, not just your blog address.
2. Keep all images family friendly. I will delete all non-family friendly links.
3. Link back. It would be awfully sweet of you to link back.
4. Have fun!

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