As many of you know, I love photography! I'm still learning and hope to someday capture amazing photos like these talented and uber sweet ladies. They are so great that I just have to share them with you...
My dear friend Nona, directed me to Karen for photography classes after winning a spot in her online class. Her classes are so amazing that she has quite the waiting list and after taking her class, I can tell you "rightfully so." I had been looking for a photography class for a long time, but nothing I came across seemed to be what I wanted/needed. Karen's approach to photography fit beautifully with what I wanted, being a scrapbooker herself. Not only did she teach me more about my camera than could have hoped for, she also freed me (well, I am still working on this part) from that pesky perfectionism. Sometimes we capture emotionally perfect photos that are not technically perfect - guess what in the end is the the emotion that matters the most (thank you Karen). If you have been looking for an online photography class, I'd highly recommend
Karen's Photographers' Workshop. If you are looking for a does of adorable photos that will make you smile and heartfelt honesty that will sometimes make you laugh, check out her blog

Monday was a very exciting day to me (and many, many others)!
Erin Cobb's Clean Color video tutorial became available for purchase. We have been patiently waiting and the moment it became available, I jumped at downloading it.
What is "Clean Color" you might be wondering? Well, have you have looked at a photographers photos and wondered how they achieved such phenomenal coloring that brings the photo to life? Have you looked at your photos and thought, they looked dull and lifeless? Erin, who has super cute kids and posts photos that pull at your heartstrings, has shared her color flow process. Theses tutorials are step by step and very easy to follow, she even includes the sample photos for us to practice with and cement the techniques. In just the short time I have had "Clean Color," I have been able to take a few of my photos, follow her process and I am thrilled with the results (I'll share them later).
If you take photos and want your final photos to be timeless and full of life, go get "
Clean Color" now!
While you are there, check out her
blog. Her posts (and photos) are like a little dose of daily sunshine that make me smile.