Tomorrow (Tues. Nov 30) is the last day to join my team and be entered to win either a FREE stamp set (a $22.95 value) or the Exclusive Inks Organizer (a $69.95 value). EVERYONE will be a winner, if you are not selected for the Exclusive Inks Organizer, you'll receive the stamp set of your choice.
To celebrate my 6 years anniversary with Close To My Heart, it feels fitting to share 6 reasons I love this company and what I do. These are listed in no specific order...
1. My ultimate goal when I joined Close To My Heart was to be able to stay home with Conner. We simply did not have the finances, so on a leap of faith I signed up (at the same time doubting I'd make anything of it). Six years later, I marvel at the blessing of that decision. Not only have I been able to stay home with both my boys, we have been able to pay off a large sum of debt, build our dream home and have been plenty comfortable.
2. Jeanette leads Close To My Heart with such positivity, one only needs to
read her blog to see this first hand. Over the years, I have come to realize how important this aspect is to me. In a world filled with so much negativity, I look forward to each of her posts and any time I get to spend with her and her upbeat, spunky team members.
3. Conventions, National Tours, Leaderships, Regionals, Album Retreats, Leadershare, oh my! Did you know that before I became a Consultant I did not travel? Now I regularly get a way with some of my favorite people, have a blast and get to call it "work." Speaking of getting away, we are heading to Disneyland for Convention this year! I know you want to join us...
4. While I love staying home with my boys, I am extremely thankful that I get to feel special, accomplished, talented... as a Consultant. Time and time again, I am in awe of the fact that get to feel like a rock star, just for doing what I love to do. If you had told me when I signed up that in just a few short years I would teach 200 Consultants about new exciting products during Convention, I probably would have probably wet my pants laughing at you. Who me?! Are you kidding! I have grown more than I could have ever imagined over the last 6 years and can hardly wait to apply to teach for my third time at Convention :)

5. Have you ever walked into a room where you knew you belonged? That is what Close To My Heart has been for me and I've heard the same from others. I have been blessed to have met some of my dearest friends during this journey. I can't imagine what it would be like had I not signed up and not met these girls.
6. I love that when I started I was a complete amateur. My idea of creating a card was to fold a piece of white paper in half (it didn't even have to be cardstock) and stamp on the front of it. By attending Close To My Heart events, using our How-To books, online training, our Consultant bulletin boards and team meetings, I have acquired an arsenal of techniques and knowledge that allowed me to create artwork that has actually won awards. Even better, I love that I get to share my knowledge with others and watch their talents bloom!