Sunday, December 28, 2008
Merry Christmas & Happy New Years

Monday, December 22, 2008
It's OFFICIAL - Certificate of Occupancy
I apologize that I haven't been around for awhile. As the Christmas season hit with colds, craft fairs and seriously cold weather, I went into hibernation. Over the next couple of weeks, I hope to get my scraproom in order and get back in the swing of things.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Digital Scrapbooking - Photo Book
Couple of notes:
The picture of Blakes feet are on the first page of the book (smaller photo) with the caption, "Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you will look back and realize they were the BIG things."
The back of the book has a smaller picture of his feet with "Create with love by Christine David - 2008" under it.
To view a larger version, click on the slideshow.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Hassle Free Holiday Bazaar
Even though I won't be able to be there, please be sure to stop and support the vendors. I'll hopefully get my items up for you to see and maybe even purchase.
Hassle Free Holiday Bazaar
November 21: 11am to 6pm
November 22: 9am to 5pm
Renton Community Center
1715 Maple Valley Highway
Call 425-430-6700
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thank you...

She received these along with all of the cards sent by my super sweet readers. She wanted me to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. I'd like to ask that you continue to keep her in your prayers as life moves forward and people seem to forget the pain she has experienced in losing her child.
On another note, I'd like to share that Billie received a wonderful gift from Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (before you head to the website, please grab tissue). This is an amazing organization of giving photographers who come in the final hours (or the only moments a family has with their child) and gives the families the gift of precious memories captured in photos. I am unbelievably thankful that Billie will have these beautiful photos to remember sweet & perfect Taylor. Thank you to the nilmdts photographer!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Another tree bites the dust...

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Blake is officially walking (running)

Friday, November 7, 2008
Delivery of the Sheetrock

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Update on the House
We are almost there!
I'll post pictures very soon I promise. The garage is rather cold, so tonight I am going to go crawl under my heating blanket and read a book.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Come a long ways baby!
Now fast forward to just a week or so ago when I finally created a card that I am super proud of. It is all my creation, no looking to someone else for inspiration. My dear customer Amy (whom I adore) was given a gift of her choice of scrap supplies by her momma. So, I had to go all out on this special card for her...you know how it is when you know you art will be appreciated. ;)

Monday, October 27, 2008
{Notebook Workshop on the Go}

RSVP/Order by Wednesday, November 5th
A Scrapbook Workshop for All Seasons -Intriguing papers and accents make your memories shine! Fun and fascinating layouts make this workshop the place to be! Create six stunning 12" × 12" pages using the My Reflections® Notebook paper packet, featuring antiqued polka dots and graph papers with a “well-worn” appearance, and more. Just add My Stickease™ artwork, My Acrylix® stamp images, and your choice of embellishments, and you’re good to go! Also learn to make stunning cards using these same materials. Join me for this fun workshop!
Have it your way! Simply select which kit option you would like plus any additional items and send me an email at CreatewithChristine@msn.com to RSVP.
Distant customers may now participate in workshops as well. Everything you need to create the projects will be shipped right to you! *If you prefer to do your own stamping, be sure to add the required stamp sets and ink pads if you don't already own them. Otherwise, you will receive a sheet of pre-stamped images.
□ Basic Kit $19.79 (plus tax & shipping)
X7102B - Notebook Paper - $12.95
X7102C - Notebook Stickease - $4.95
Embellishment Pack $1.89
Detailed Workshop Guide
Everything in the Basic Kit
D1320 - Shining Star Stamp Set - $22.95
Everything in the Better Kit
Z1096 - Neutral Embroidery Floss - $3.25
Z1019 - Fresh Shapes Dimensionals - $5.95
*** You can mix and match, add or subtract items from each kit options ***
Additional Recommend Items
□ 9029 Cherish - $21.95
□ 9030 Imagine - $21.95
□ E1002 My Acrylix Rustic Alphabet - $34.95
□ Z2188 Desert Sand Exclusive Inks™ Pad - $5.25
□ Z697 Sponge - $1.25
□ Z1114 Piercing Tool Set - $5.95
*You will need a basic tool kit of paper trimmer, scissors, adhesive and paper piercer.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sweet & Simple

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My request is simple...if you have a card or would create a card to send her, I'd love to shower her with as much love, caring and compassion as possible. If you are someone I know already and would like to send her a card, please let me know and I'll send you her address. Otherwise, please send your cards directly to me at 20205 235th Ave SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038.
If you have experienced this first hand or have been involved closely, would you share what would have been the most meaningful thing someone did or would have done for you?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Something new from Originals

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Working on Craft Fair Items

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My Pages Talk Voice Recorder

*Note: there is music playing in the background and I plan to re-record this once Conner agrees (probably a little closer to Christmas). ;)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Here comes Christmas!
RSVP/Order by Wednesday, October 1st
Join us for a fun afternoon of creating handmade Christmas cards, snacking on delicious deserts and socializing. Come create all 25 cards (envelopes included) for just $25.
Space is Limited. RSVP by phone (425) 413-4280 or by email: CreatewithChristine@msn.com.

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Library Fun

Thursday, September 18, 2008
My Creations Memory Box - Extravaganza Artwork
It was such a pleasure to be selected as a Convention (Extravaganza) teacher. My buddy Nona and I were selected to teach the new My Creations Memory Box. Honestly, at first we were a little less than thrilled with the though of teaching about a box. Yet the ideas begin to flow and I fell in love with the boxes. These pictures are just the five display boards (since we only received three boxes to take assembled). When I have a few moments to get pictures of the completed boxes, I'll be sharing those as well.
I hope that you'll like these as much as I did. It is my guess that you will since those at my open house were wowed by them!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Recruiting Special - New Consultant Kit $99

House Pictures (Part 7)
Yesterday was a fun day. We have done quite well with our budget. Actually, I should say Mike did an amazing job and by doing the mechanical and Andrew helping out with the electrical, things are looking good. So, since we had to reselect our flooring, tile and counter tops to go with the change in cabinets, we looked at upgrading just a bit. We are still waiting on the numbers to make sure that we haven't totally blown our budget (by miles) out of the water.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
House Pictures (Part 6)
Brian and Andrew have been working hard getting the Electrical in. I am so excited that Andrew is our Electrician. He and Brian work wonderfully together and they are taking care of me. There are 10 can lights in my scraproom, you'll never have a problem seeing in my house again. Oh, don't worry it won't be too bright either, they are going to be on dimmer switches.
And here are some more pictures of my door. This is sort of what it looks like looking at. There are still some stickers on it and packages of mounting hardware, but you get the idea.Once Brian and Andrew are done with the electrical (and Brian has to finish up the heating) things will begin moving quickly again I think. Oh, by the way if you need some good referrals on Electrician's and Sheet Metal guys, let me know and I'll get you the names of our guys (they have been great)!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Garage Living

I don't know what I would do without the garage. My mom worked the entire time I was growing up, so I am rather solitary. My family is all in the area and great, but living with them may have sent me over the edge. Building a house is such high stress, being in someone elses space would have been like being in a pressure cooker. Say a few prayers that the house will progress quickly so that we don't have to figure out what to do in the cold weather.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
{Perfect Day Workshop on the Go}

Fun, funky artwork makes your layouts shine.
If you love “mixing it up” with artwork, this workshop is the place to be! You’ll get hands-on experience creating unique eff ects with combinations of Close To My Heart’s My Acrylix® stamps, My Stickease™ adhesive sheets, our fabulous new rub-on designs, and colorful sheets from the My Refl ections® Perfect Day paper packet. Then simply add your photos to make each layout one-of-a-kind. But don’t stop there, when you’re finished you will find even more exciting project ideas online to use your remaining papers and My Stickease. Join us for this exciting workshop!
Distant customers may now participate in workshops as well.
X7100B – Perfect Day Paper - $12.95
X7100C – Perfect Day Stickease - $4.95
Embellishment Pack $3.87
Detailed Perfect Day Workshop Guide - $3.87
Everything in the Basic Kit
Everything in the Better Kit
Z1100 – Cocoa Grosgrain Ribbon - $6.95
Z1285 – Holiday Buttons - $7.50
□ 9029 Cherish - $21.95
□ 9030 Imagine - $21.95
□ E1009 My Acrylix Building Block - $34.95
□ Z2114 Cocoa Exclusive Inks™ Pad - $5.25
□ Z2164 Sorbet Exclusive Inks™ Pad - $5.25
□ Z2166 Tulip Exclusive Inks™ Pad - $5.25
□ Z2365 Juniper Exclusive Inks™ Marker - $2.95
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Operation Smile - My Promise

Thank you Lisa for the inspiration.
Open House was a Blast!
Congratulations to all the winners!
Tammy - Magic Moments Stamp Set & My Creations Acrylic Mini Album
Jennifer - Completed Just Because Card Kit & Juniper Marker
Amanda - My Creations Memory Keeper
Sharon - Autumn Leaves
Amy - Sparkles, Ribbon & Charms
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Special Invitation
*Be among the first to see my artwork boards using all the new products, prepared especially for Convention.
*Exclusive Hostess & New Recruit Specials
*One lucky attendee may win Hostess Rewards!
When: Sept. 6th from 11:30am to 1:30pm
Cost: FREE - My Treat
Come with a Friend!
Please RSVP by emailing CreatewithChristine@msn.com
Space and Goodies Limited -First RSVP, First Served
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Eeks! I'm 30!
My hubby (who I know loves me) often forgets my birthday or simply doesn't do much for it. Well, he surprised me with a very nice Sunday celebration (early, can you believe it). We dropped the kiddos with the Grandparents and had lunch at my favorite restaurant, Zao's Noodle Bar at Kent Station. At lunch he presented me with my very own iPod Nano. SWEEEET! Then we grabbed a slice of my fav chocolate cake and headed home to watch a movie. I convinced my hubby to let me stop and get my hair cut since we were out without the kids. Along with cutting my a couple of inch or two above my shoulders, I had my eyebrows waxed for the first time. Pampering is awesome and something I never do. I left the salon feeling like a new woman. We then stopped by the library and picked up a couple new books (I have finally started reading again). Finally, we made it home and watched Little Miss Sunshine, which was hilarious.
Now today, everyone has remembered my birthday! With the start of school, I was so used to people forgetting (including my family). What a treat my 30th birthday has been!
Scrapbook In A Purse

Friday, August 29, 2008
Cheesy things that happen when Mom is distracted...

*Notice the mark under his left eye. This kid is constantly hurting himself. He is trying to start walking and has no fear. This particular owie happened while playing with his brother. He was trying to get Conner who was hiding on his bed, Blake lost his footing and tip over onto the corner of the bed. Go figure, it was the only area that could hurt him since he was surrounded by the blankets and pillows his big bro put on the floor.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
House Pictures (Part 5)
The choice of roof coloring is awesome. We chose something called architectural which means it has some nice "texture" appearance to it. The color is a warm, neutral that will go great with whatever color we paint the house in the future.